Monday, December 5, 2011

The Pre-Op Cluster!

On Friday, 12/2/11, I went through the entire pre-op process that I have now appropriately named the CLUSTERF***!  I left my house at 6:45am on Friday morning and didn't get home until 5:40pm. 

My first appointment was with the Dietitian at 8:00am.  She went over the pre-op liquid diet which begins on Wednesday, 12/7/11.  It is a little piece of hell.  I was told that the purpose of this diet is to basically starve myself and shrink my organs for surgery.  Sounds fun, right?  Here is how it goes:

Meal 1:  Slim Fast Shake
Meal 2:  Slim Fast Shake
Meal 3:  Slim Fast Shake
Meal 4:  Slim Fast Shake
Meal 5:  Slim Fast Shake                               

I can have as much water, diet juice, sugar free jello and sugar free Popsicles as I want!  WOOHOO!  Can you sense my sarcasm?

The post-op diet sucks even more so, but the Dietitian said I will not have an appetite so I will have to force myself to drink!  Basically it is the same as the above, however weeks 1-3 I can only have 2 oz per meal.  Yep you read that right...2 ounces!!

Weeks 4-6 I move on to soft foods (bananas, oatmeal, etc) and I can have 3 ounces.  Weeks 7-the rest of my life I can have any foods but my tummy will only hold 4 ounces. 

Next stop was the ultrasound of my legs and abdomen.  That part went well and the tech said I have fantastic muscle tone in my legs so they will look great when I lose weight!  Score!

I packed up and headed to Baylor hospital in Dallas.  Went through the paperwork process first then went to visit the nurse.  She took all of the pertinent info and I made her make a huge note on my chart:  PATIENT HAS VENEERS...DO NOT EFF THEM UP!!  Hahaha, ok so it didn't really say that, but trust me it is noted! 

From there I went to have my EKG, Chest X-Ray and blood work.  This took HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!

So now everything is done, and the next step is showing up on the day of surgery.  I have to be there at 6:30am and my surgery will start at 7:30am.  Ashley will have access to my account and will post once I am in recovery.  Get ready for some exciting pics from the hospital.  I'm sure I will be a sight to behold!!

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