Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Type A-Z

This is harder than it looks.  List the A-Z's of your type of partner.  Good Luck!

Affectionate, not antagonistic.
Bold, not boisterous.
Confident, not cocky.
Dynamic, not domineering.
Enticing, not elusive.
Factual, not fake.
Gregarious, not grim.
Humble, not haughty.
Intelligent, not impulsive.
Jazzy, not junky.
Knockout, not know-it-all.
Loyal, not lax.
Meticulous, not messy.
Nice, not naive.
Observant, not obsessive.
Poised, not passive.
Quiet, not quiescent.
Reverent, not radical.
Spirited, not spiteful.
Tolerant, not truculent.
Unfailing, not unfaithful.
Vigorous, not violent.
Willing, not willful.
Xhuberant, not Xhibitionist
Yearnful, not yucky.
Zealous, not zoned-out.

So I may have cheated on one...hehe...but it was fun!

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