Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

What a way to start the new year...down almost 40lbs!  I am so excited for 2012.  I'm well on my way to a healthier new me. I had a great check-up on Friday...I was released to eat soft foods!!  My first meal was a scrambled egg sandwich (1 piece of bread and 1 egg).  I was only able to eat half, but it was delicious!!  Yesterday, I ate the traditional NYD meal...well a few bites anyway. 

So now for a few resolutions:

1.  Go out with my girlfriends once a month.
2.  Call my family in SC once a week.
3.  Cook a new meal every week.
4.  Learn to sew.
5.  Start volunteering.

I'm sure there are more, but those are the things I will be focusing on.

Wishing you all a successful new year!

1 comment:

  1. Wow 40 lbs-- way to go!! :) And yay for some food finally. Haha
