Wednesday, January 11, 2012

25 Days Post-Op

25 days post-op and my body is FREAKING out!  I ended up getting upper respiratory and sinus infections last week.  I'm still not completely over that.  For almost a week, I have not lost a single pound.  This is to be expected, as my body thinks I'm starving so it is storing.  However, I am trying to break this little cycle by starting to exercise.  I can't do anything strenuous yet, so walking will have to do.  Anyone care to meet me at the track tonight??  Here is a pic of me as of today:

I am starting to see the weight loss in my face and in my boobs.  My clothes are starting to get a bit baggy.  I bought 1 new pair of pants that were a size down, and they are already too big.  I guess everyone will have to see me in baggy clothes for a little while.  No sense in spending money on new sizes that I am just going to pass by quickly.

Previously, I promised some hospital pics, so here they are!!


  1. You look great! And I can definitely see a difference in your face. :)

  2. Lookin' good, girl!! A friend told me that the place you put weight on last is the first place where it will come off. And vice versa. :) But ... I love it when weight-loss shows in the face (since that's where most people look anyway). I'm hoping this dratted double-chin disappears when I reach my goal weight.

  3. Katie & Micah - Thank you both so much for your comments. Glad you were able to notice!

  4. You look great! So beautiful!! I am going to have to hold back Michael Young!!


  5. Thank you Rachel! But please don't hold him back...bring it baby!!! Hahahahaha!!!
