Monday, November 14, 2011

Final Weigh-In

I had my final weigh-in on Friday, 11/11/11.  I will end up weighing one more time at the surgeon's office, but for insurance purposes, I AM DONE!  All of my paperwork (weight chart, psych eval, med list, letter of necessity) has been faxed to my bariatric case worker, and she has 15 business days to review and issue either approval or denial.  Time for praying, crossing fingers...whatever it is you do, please throw up some positive thoughts for me!  To me, this waiting process makes me more nervous than any of the procedures.  Nancy, the UHC nurse, holds all the cards at this point.  Please Nancy...approve this request!! 

My doctor, Mary Van Hal, and her nurse, Vidi Martinez, always go above and beyond for me!  They have been walking through this process with me from day 1, and I appreciate them so much.  A couple of months ago, I wore my blinged out Rangers hat to their office.  They both loved it and said they wanted one!  So on Friday, I showed up with a little surprise for them...

Needless to say, they were excited and of course I had to get a pic!

So, for now I wait...I will update once I know something.  Positive thoughts people...positive thoughts!!!!

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